package dragfetchapp import javafx.geometry.Pos import javafx.scene.layout.Priority import javafx.scene.paint.Color import tornadofx.* import import import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter data class Message(val data : String, val ts : LocalDateTime) class FetchCompletedEvent : FXEvent() class DragFetchView : View("Drag Fetch App") { val c : DragFetchController by inject() override val root = stackpane { vbox { label("Fetching") progressindicator() alignment = Pos.TOP_CENTER spacing = 4.0 paddingTop = 10.0 } listview(c.msgs) { var inDrag = false setOnDragDetected { this.translateYProperty().animate(endValue = 100.0, duration = .3.seconds) inDrag = true } setOnMouseReleased { if( inDrag && !c.status.running.value ) { c.fetchAsync() } inDrag = false } placeholder = label("Drag to fetch messages...") cellFormat { text = null graphic = hbox { addClass(Styles.message) label( pane().hgrow = Priority.ALWAYS label(it.ts.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("hh:mm:ss"))).addClass(Styles.messageTime) alignment = Pos.BASELINE_CENTER } } subscribe { this@listview.translateYProperty().animate(endValue = 0.0, duration = .3.seconds) } } } override fun onDock() { primaryStage.minWidth = 320.0 primaryStage.minHeight = 568.0 } } class DragFetchController : Controller() { val api : Rest by inject() val msgs = mutableListOf().observable() val status : TaskStatus by inject() val NUM_MESSAGES = 10 var counter = 0 // %10 cycles over the 10 messages on the server init { api.baseURI = "" } private fun fetch() : String? { val response = api.get("/messages.txt") if( response.ok() ) { val br = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(response.content())) br.use { var s = br.readLine() val index = counter % NUM_MESSAGES var i = 0 while( s != null && (i) { launch(args) }